Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I give in...

I decided to play the memory game! I know, I know...just play along, alright?! :)

"This will be fun to see what people put.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments."


Lisa said...

I remember when Chris and I started dating and you were around 11 years old and I thought you were sooooo cute! Then when I knew Chris and I were going to get married I was so very excited to have you and Katie as my sisters especially just growning up with a brother.
BTW- You are still pretty cute!

Marjorie said...

When Chris first told me that Joe was dating you and later engaged I built a picture in my mind. I imagined you as a high maintenance person and as much as Chris tried to convince me that I had it wrong I'd just say, we'll see. Talk about judging!!! I remember the first time I met you at Chris and my reception. I was mystified. Indeed you were beautiful but more of a simple beautiful that was very pleasing. And as I've gotten to know you even more it wasn't just the outside but I've loved conversing with you and sharing memories of our childern playing and screaming together. I'm so glad my judgement of a snobbish californian blonde was soooooooo wrong!!! We really miss the friendly, intelligent Ashley that I'm soooooooo glad Joe married. Way to go JOE:)

Jackie said...

I remember coming to have dinner at your Wymount apt and loving every minute of your company! I remember when Natalie was born and I was so worried for you, but how comforting were our talks about preemies and how much they add to our lives! I enjoyed having a friend around whose husband was a good friend to mine, as well.

Jenson Family said...

Hello Atkin clan! Soooo glad to have found your awesome little family. What great timing to log on and catch up with your family. Okay memories...
Ashley I believe we have met twice... however my first memory of you is thinking wow, Joe married his mom. I very distinctly remember the gentle, warm, inviting radiance of your spirit. Your meekness was evident within moments of meeting you. I remember being overwhelmingly impressed by your demeanor. Joe did very well. And as for Joe oh the memories go on FOREVER but the first that popped into my mind goes a little like this - "Are you honey-nut cheerio cereal serious?"

CHELZERS said...

I remember when we met at the CF for book club night (which we never even mentioned the book, I think) HA!
You were so nice and cute and I look forward to getting to know you better!!