Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Having trouble...

I've been having problems with blogger for a few days now. For some reason, when I press the picture icon in order to add pictures to a post, nothing happens. The other buttons work fine, including the video one, so it's really weird. Has anyone had this happen to them and know how it fix it? Thanks...

P.S. Prop. 8 passed!! What a miracle. If only people would let the majority decision stand.... No matters what happens, with the passage of Constitutional amendments in Florida, Arizona, and California, a major message has been sent about what the American people hold dear: that marriage is indeed between a man and a woman.

1 comment:

Angela said...

YEAH for Proposition 8! I don't have problems with pictures, but for some reason my videos just take forever to load, or don't load at all...GRRR!