Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank you all for the congratulations. Sadly, I ended up having a miscarriage last weekend while were in Utah. The timing is hard since we had just barely announced I was pregnant. I had an ultrasound the Monday before we announced it and everything looked fine so I decided to go ahead and tell people.

Thank you everyone for your love and concern.


Brooke said...

I am so sorry. Miscarriages are so hard. You are in my prayers and thoughts.

Ashli Miller said...

So sorry for your loss. May you find peace.

Jackie said...

Oh, Ashley... I'm so sorry. I pray for your comfort and peace in this hard time. I'm glad I could share a piece of your joy and share in your heartache, even though I'm sure it's been hard for you to share.

Mitzi said...

Oh Ashley & Joe... what a terrible thing to go through. Hug your little girls tight! I have no words as I can't imagine, but know that Heavenly Father loves you.

Love, Graham & Mitzi

Stephanie said...

Sorry Ashley :( I'm really so sad for you. I hope you are doing okay. Let's for real meet up in San Francisco soon. How far away from there are you?

Stephanie said...

Sorry Ashley :( I'm really so sad for you. I hope you are doing okay. Let's for real meet up in San Francisco soon. How far away from there are you?

Marjorie said...

Ashley I'm so sorry. Please know you're in our thoughts and prayers. If there is ANYTHING we can do, please let us know! We love you guys and ache for you!

CHELZERS said...

Oh,Ashley- I had no idea. I'm so sorry this trial has been given to you and Joe. You are strong and have such a great attitude. I am glad we are friends and I am here if you need anything. {{Hugs}}

Cindy said...

Ashley, I am so sorry. I can't even imagine how hard that must be. You are so strong though and I've always looked up to you in that way. We'll be praying/thinking of you guys :)

Johnson Family said...

I am sorry to hear this. I think you are adorable and so sweet. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do.

The Good Life said...

I feel like a horrible person! I can't believe that I just found out! It has been weeks and I didn't realize what had happened. I promised Elizabeth that I would keep her secret and I thought you were keeping it in your family for a while so I didn't think of it twice when you weren't talking about it at playgroup or elsewhere. I just haven't been blogging for a while and I missed your post. I really am so sorry. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Hang in there. If you need a friend please call me. Or if you just want to hang out.