Monday, December 1, 2008

My Baby is Two!

We celebrated Natalie's birthday yesterday. We just had a little family party but it was a really fun day. It's so fun as the girls get older and start to really understand what's going on. I love to watch their excitement.

We started out the day making these little popcorn lambs. They had seen them in a magazine and had been begging me to make them for quite awhile. Tip: Don't butter the popcorn or they will not stick to anything. (This should have been obvious but it wasn't.)
Here is Natalie's cake. It didn't turn out as well as I was hoping but oh well. That's Super Why, in case you are wondering, from Natalie's favorite show. Elizabeth was watching me frost it and kept saying "You're ruining it, Mommy!" It was hard to work under that kind of pressure :). At the end, though, she proclaimed, "That is the best cake in the whole world!"
I love this picture of Natalie's excitement when the cake was coming out.
Blowing out two candles
Here is Elizabeth reading the card she made for Natalie.
She picked out a little ballerina mouse for Natalie as her gift and Natalie loved it.She got The Giving Tree from her cousins Andrew and Ivy. We love that book! She got the movie Sleeping Beauty.This one was a big hit...Daddy found her a princess chair just like Elizabeth's! Of course my assumption that this would lessen fighting over seating was wrong. The fighting is worse. :)Here's another good one of their faces while Daddy brought out the last present.
A tricycle for Natalie! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Allen.
Now they each have a bike to ride, although I'm sure it will take Natalie awhile to figure out pedaling. Here's Elizabeth helping out.
After presents, we snuggled on the couch to watch Sleeping Beauty.

I still can't believe Natalie is two. This one hit me harder than other birthdays have in the past. I just can't believe how big these girls are getting. This time is going by too fast. I want so much to enjoy these years when they are all mine. I want to teach them all I can. I love you, my little Natty-boo!


Lisa said...

I am so glad she had a good birthday. We were thinking of her! One of these days we will have to deliver her present!!

Tara said...

Happy birthday Natalie! Adian and Olivia loved your cake. They were yelling super why cake, I want that!

I hope you had a great birthday.

love the Boice Family

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

She canNOT be two?! Seriously, Elizabeth can't be older that two, so how can Natalie?! :) Time really does fly. It looks like you had a great day. Happy Birthday to Natalie.

I am so sorry to read about your miscarriage! It is such a hard struggle and it is such a challenging time. Nobody understands the feels until actaully having been through it themselves. It really does get better, I promise. I am actually really glad that you had told people about your pregnancy before you miscarried, because I tried to go through it alone and it was almost harder to face everyone and not have them know what I was feeling or what was going on. It helps to have the support and love of family as much as you don't really want everyone to worry or have to say too much. I really am sorry Ashley. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Katy said...

um... her hair is longer and I have only been gone for like 2 weeks. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATALIE. Lucy talks about your girls all the time.

Yani said...

Happy B-day Natalie. Your little girls are so cute,

Jennifer said...

That is amazing that she is two already! I totally feel you on wanting to treasure these years. They go by way too fast. I love the Super Why cake! So awesome! Iris loves that show too!

Stephanie said...

Cute cake, Ashley! I could tell right away what it was. I can't believe Natalie is two either. I guess that means that Emily will be two next?!?! Crazy. Well, I hope everything is going okay!

Kristi said...

Your girls are adorable!

Katie said...

I'm sorry to here about your miscarriage. That is so hard. Your girls are so cute. I can't believe it has been two years already. It feels like just yesterday we were sitting in the nicu together with our babies. And now their full blown two year olds!

CHELZERS said...

Happy 2! I'm sure it's blown by just as fast for you as it has for me. Crazy! That cake is really cute even though I don't know anything about this 'super why' person. :) But it looks like it was really difficult! Great job!