Monday, December 8, 2008

The Nutcracker

Elizabeth and I got to go the Nutcracker together on Saturday. It was a lot of fun to go out just the two of us. We don't do that enough. My mom used to take me to the Nutcracker almost every year when I was little and I'm trying to keep this tradition going. This was Elizabeth's first time and she did a great job.

She loved watching the "ballerinas" dance, especially the kids. I had to remind her to whisper a lot until she figured it out and then she did great. She got scared during the fight with the rat king but got over it pretty quickly. She loved the part with Mother Ginger where the kids run out from under skirt. It was a really good production with a live orchestra and some really cool effects. It snowed continuously on the stage for one number. Unfortunately, the show didn't start until 7pm and so Elizabeth couldn't quite make it through. She fell asleep towards the end before my two favorite parts, the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Pas-de-deux. Those aren't really kid-favorites anyway, so it was OK. It was really funny trying to get her coat on after it was over since she was just dead weight and wouldn't wake up at all. So, I had to carry her about 3 blocks back to the parking garage. That was difficult but we made it.

As the show was starting, I couldn't keep the tears out of my eyes. I don't really know why. I guess because it was one of those full-circle moments where I was doing something that my mom used to do with me. Or, maybe it was just because I was so grateful to have such a wonderful daughter and that she was loving spending time together just as much as I was. It was a great night and I hope we can have many more of these in the future.

Here are some more pictures from our photo shoot (we're posing in front of the our little fake tree):

I'm such a bad blinker
I actually like this one best
Elizabeth tackling me

I don't look good in this one but Elizabeth looks so cute

Here are some extras I had on my camera.

I came in to find Natalie laying like this making cute fake snoring noises.

Elizabeth wanted a picture taken of her sleeping, too, although she couldn't keep a straight face.Here's the last one:

I think she's got a future in fashion...


Marin said...

How much fun! Those pictures are soo adorable! You and your girls are so beautiful!

Danny and Laura said...

Hey I just signed up for facebook and saw that you had a blog on there, so this is my first time checking it out. Your girls are adorable. My older daughter, Alyssa, always wears her sunglasses upside down. I don't get it.

CHELZERS said...

That is so sweet. I love the nutcracker. Maybe in a few years we will be able to go. That was a tradition for me every year as well. One year I was in the orchestra. That was so awesome and fun. The music just makes me feel 'Christmas-y'. Glad you were able to go!

CHELZERS said...
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Jordan and Luci said...

So fun! Elizabeth is going to be one gorgeous girl. She keeps getting cuter and cuter! So does Natalie! I love Natalie's hair in that first b-day picture. She is beautiful! I can't believe she is two. I still remember going to hospital when you were in there with her like it was yesterday. Where does the time go?