Friday, December 12, 2008

This and That

We've been taking it pretty easy around here while Joe has finals. We've watched Christmas movies, I've been working on some Christmas gifts, and we've hung out at home a lot. Some of my favorite Christmas movies that we've watched are Miracle on 34th Street (we have the new version although both are good), Mickey's Christmas Carol, White Christmas, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original cartoon). I also have Home Alone from the library right now which I need to watch and I tried to watch The Nativity but it was all scratched. Has anyone seen that? Is it any good? Anyway, I love Christmas movies. It's a Wonderful Life is the ultimate and I always save that until right before Christmas. What are your favorites?

Today we made some "edible snowflakes". We saw the recipe in The Friend and decided to make them. They were pretty good. I've never been good at cutting out snowflakes so they look kind of weird but the girls liked them.

Speaking of recipes, I wanted to share another new one that I love. Natalie talked me into buying a big thing of pears at Costco the other day. Of course, she's already basically done with them and we have a bunch left. I made a pear salad to help use them up. I got this recipe from my sister-in-law Melissa and it's one of my new favorite salads:

Gina's Salad

Pears (or apples), sliced (I left the peel on)
Spinach (or lettuce)
Dried cranberries

2 T. lemon juice
2 T. honey
1 t. poppy seeds
1/2 t. prepared mustard (I had to Goggle this and found out it just means actual mustard)
1/4 t. salt
1/8 t. pepper
1/3 c. oil

(This was enough dressing for a pretty good sized salad that fed us all plus leftovers)


I also might try to make this pear torte from I think it looks pretty good.

Also, we had my brother and his family over for dinner last night. The kids had fun playing together, especially my nephew Isaac who particularly enjoyed himself:

He totally dressed up like this all on his own! It was pretty funny.


Stephanie said...

My favorite Christmas movie is definitely White Christmas. But we have been watching The Elf a lot lately, Rudolph, and Frosty. My kids didn't get into The Grinch. I've had that pear salad before and it's really good. That's fun that you made it. I am the worst cook lately!

Lisa said...

My kids love Elf too.....It is SO overplayed this time of year, but at least it is entertaining for the adult too. Oh--Isaac, what can I say, he has three sisters! The photo doesn't give his high heels any justice.

Leslie said...

Have you seen the Muppets Christmas Carol? It's hilarious!

Your girls are so cute!! I know I say that a lot, but they are-- and you look like you have so much fun with them. I meant to comment earlier, but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about the loss of your pregnancy. I hope you are finding some peace and time for yourself this Christmas season.

Oh and having Natalie be 2 makes me also feel really old. I remember taking care of her in the NICU, like it was yesterday!

Danny and Laura said...

I've seen The Nativity, but I honestly can't remember much about it so I would say it wasn't that great. My favorite Christmas movie is definately "It's a Wonderful Life."

Danny and Laura said...

I've seen The Nativity, but I honestly can't remember much about it so I would say it wasn't that great. My favorite Christmas movie is definately "It's a Wonderful Life."