Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Winter Fun

We packed a suitcase once again for a quick trip up to the mountains last weekend to visit my mom at their cabin. It was a lot of fun. While there, we had our family's first sledding experience. The girls loved it. As is common, the camera died after only a few pictures (I never remember to charge it). So, here's what I have:

Natalie ready to go
Picking up speed
She would usually end her runs by sliding right off the saucer at the bottom

The battery died right as Joe was taking Nate down for his first run.

Doesn't he look thrilled?
Joe's expression cracks me up:

I didn't get any of Elizabeth but she LOVED it. Joe even built a little jump for her. She would fly off the saucer and get up laughing.

Other than that trip, we haven't done much lately. The girls wore their ballet outfits one day and enjoyed dancing to music from the Nutcracker. They liked to pretend that I was their slave-driving ballet instructor making them "Leap! Twirl! Leap! Twirl!" I didn't even have to do anything, they just came up with the orders and then laid down talking about how tired they were:
Hopefully actual ballet lessons will be as fun as pretend lessons.

I wanted to give an update on our "little Nathaniel", as the girls call him. I think that the last time I really wrote much about him I was complaining about how fussy he was. Well, he has done a complete 180. He is such an easy baby now. We stopped his medication quite awhile ago and he has even been sleeping on flat surfaces again. He really grew out of his tummy problems.

I've decided that right now is a really easy age. He is sleeping through the night yet he's still young enough that he'll just hang out in his bouncer for extended amounts of time. He's not mobile. He's not on solids so I don't have to take the time for that yet. He mostly just smiles whenever anyone pays any attention to him and generally just spreads sunshine. Of course I'm excited to give him cereal and to see him start moving around, but I'm also just enjoying this stage right now and taking advantage of the extra time I have. I'm especially enjoying snuggling with my little guy while he's still little.

One night, his tummy did seem to be bothering him. The cure? Laying on his tummy with Daddy patting his back, his thumb in his mouth, and the TCU/Boise State bowl game to watch.
Yep. I think we have another full-fledged thumb-sucker on our hands. I'm fine with that at this point.
Look how cute...

I just think it's impossible to be unhappy with this face smiling up at you all of the time:


A Roper said...

The picture of him sucking his thumb is adorable! :)

Stephanie said...

He's so cute! I was doing that exact same position with Grant on my lap last night. His stomach felt hard and he was fussing so I laid him like that and he was so much happier, except we were watching American Idol. That last picture is adorable. I am enjoying Grant while he is young, also. They grow so quickly!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Your kids are so cute! I should come over and hold a mini ballet class with them.

Jordan and Luci said...

That little Nathan just makes me happy! He is so stinking cute! He reminds me of Elizabeth more than Natalie, but who knows. Your girls make me laugh too! So weird that you have three kids.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos, as always. :)