Monday, May 10, 2010

They Make Me Happy

I had a great Mother's Day. Unfortunately we had to drive for 10 hours (not all of which was roses and sunshine) but could I not have a great day with these 3?

Wait. I am their mom? I have 3 kids? How did that happen?

However it happened, I feel incredibly blessed.

As a parting gift to any who may be fortunate enough to be reading this, here is one of the cutest pictures known to mankind:
This is Nathaniel's signature "shy look".

I finally got some pictures of him doing it tonight

A few weeks ago, Elizabeth made some paper cut-outs of our family. She accidentally cut the head off of the little Nathaniel picture and couldn't quite tape it back on right. She was sad at first until she stopped and said, "Wait--this does look like Nathaniel!"

She captured it pretty well, I think.


Danny and Laura said...

Lol. That is so funny.

A Roper said...

Hahaha! I love Elizabeth's cut-out of Nate! And those pictures are adorable. You are a lucky mommy!!!

CHELZERS said...

So cute and funny! Glad you had a great mother's day! and yes, how did it happen??? three kids?? Crazy! It goes by so fast (and yet so slow some
missed you sunday!

Tiffany Kadani said...

So sweet! He has the best expressions! I love watching your kids grow up. It's so exciting!

Lisa said...

Glad you guys got home safe. Even though some of my kids are older I still am in awe that they are mine and that I am there mother. Happy belated Mother's Day Ash!

Amanda @ said...

Hey there, I just stumbled upon your blog!! Your boy has the cutest smile!

This may sound weird but I am involved in a group who are doing a web project involving funny baby photos, Is there any chance we could use shy pose picture for our project? Or any other funny pics you have?

Children do the funniest & cutest things sometimes!! :)