Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life Right Now

Well, there isn't any theme for this post. I'll probably just babble on. How is that different from other posts you might ask? You're right...it isn't. :)

First off, there's this guy:

He's getting big. He'll be 8 months next week. He sits up very well and he's starting to army crawl/scoot around. He is still as happy as ever. He naps really well during the day. His sleeping habits at night leave much to be desired, though. I just can't seem to break the waking up at 5am habit and sometimes he's up a few other times besides. Hopefully he will grow out of this soon.

He still spits up ALL the time. I would be worried about it if he acted as if his tummy hurt but he doesn't. It's pretty gross now that he eats solids three times a day. I've gotten quite used to the spit up stains all over me. In fact, I've gotten too used to them and rarely bother to change my clothes anymore. What's the point? When he's been playing on the floor, you can always see the distinct path he's taken by little spots of spit-up on the carpet. It's kind of funny, in a gross sort of way.

On to the other little ones...

This picture was taken by Elizabeth the other day:
I was thinking that it reminded me of another picture. I went back to find it only to discover that they are almost identical! Seriously, check this one out, taken in March of 08:

Notice the similar Natalie smiles and the same "regg-er-ul" blankie (Sidenote: This is what she calls her blankie. It's how she says regular. It was named that to distinguish it from another blanket known as the "soft blankie". Regular has always been the favorite, though, oddly enough.). Joe is even wearing the same exact shirt! The only significant difference is the size of the little girl. She is getting too old. Not too old to snuggle her Daddy, though.

Somehow, the oldest of the three has become a full-fledged reader. She can frequently be found reading to herself or her little sister.
I love to watch them. It is so sweet.

She also loves to climb this tree in our front yard:

Natalie can actually climb it by herself, too. We've been enjoying the warmer weather by spending lots of time outside. Nathaniel likes to impress his mommy by finding sticks and leaves to eat while sitting in the center of large blanket. I don't know how he does it.

The proud daddy of these three cute kids is in the midst of the much-dreaded finals. We press on without him and offer moral support when needed. He is so close to being 2/3 of the way through law school!

Time flies when you're having fun. :)


Marin said...

SO cute!!! It was so fun coming over the other day and playing and eating some YUMMY dinner! Thanks!!! We should do it again this Thursday since both of our husbands have a late night final. I will think of something that I can bring over for dinner!!!

Oh and I LOVE how Elizabeth's leg in the tree looks sooo graceful!!! It is pointed and looks like she is doing an arabesque!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! Dance sure paid off!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Hillarious said...

Wow, is he really 8 months already? Hard to believe!

Unknown said...

I miss you.