Tuesday, April 27, 2010

March of Dimes and a childhood tradition

We participated in the March for Babies last Saturday. Joe came along this time and we pushed all three kids in strollers. They all did great and we made it the whole 6 miles. We even sprinted the last little bit because Elizabeth really had to go to the bathroom. :)

Here are some of the pictures:
We were dressed too warmly. It was hot!

We forgot to get a picture of me until we had already started.
This one is mid-walk while trying not to slow down the people behind us.
Old Town Sacramento
(didn't notice the sign when I took this!)

They especially enjoyed some free See's suckers:

Thank you to everyone who donated!

After the walk, Joe went to work/study and I finally fulfilled my promise of helping Elizabeth set up a lemonade stand. This was her brain child. It was even her idea to donate the money to charity after she read about that in a magazine. She had been pestering me for days and we kept forgetting to buy cups at the store. We finally made it happen. We sold some cookies and some really good strawberry lemonade (I kind of didn't want to sell it).

Our neighbor friend Jaden helped us.
He was actually quite good at attracting customers by yelling his loudest at passing cars.

This shows Elizabeth's sign with the price--50 cents

We don't have any folding tables so I taped up a box and covered it with a beach towel (nice, right?). Every time a car was in sight, Elizabeth would run over and kneel behind the box like so:
She was quite the stand manager.

After all was said and done and the lemonade was gone, they had $14 in their money bowl. She decided to donate it to help Haiti.

Although it took some work, I loved the whole experience. I need to be a fun mom more often.


Stephanie said...

That lemonade stand is so awesome!!!! Good job Elizabeth. Those are great pictures.

Anonymous said...

i love that you said this, "i need to be a fun mom more often."

i think that phrase often... especially after doing simple fun things, like, playing with the kids.

we all need more "fun moms", right? it's fun!

i'm sure you're a great mom. don't be too hard on yourself. women tend to be. you're the only mom your kids have and they love you!!!


Tiffany Kadani said...

This is all so exciting! Your kids must have had a blast at March of Dimes. And that lemonade stand is so wonderful. I totally would have stopped by! Fourteen dollars is pretty impressive. She's definitely a charitable young lady.