Monday, April 5, 2010

Birthday/Easter/Conference weekend

We had a wonderful Easter/General Conference weekend. It was actually kind of a long weekend since my birthday was last Thursday. The big 2-6! It was great. Joe made me an awesome birthday dinner and the girls were in celebration mode all day. Elizabeth even made my bed and decorated my room with balloons. Joe set up a night out Friday night, too. We left all three behind for the first time in awhile and Nate did great, apparently. I wish our time out had gone better, though. We had a nice dinner at P.F. Chang's and within about a half hour of eating we were both sick in the bathrooms at Target. After about an hour we had pulled ourselves together enough to get home. Yuck. Not the best end to the night. I don't think we'll be going back there for awhile. Anyway, enough about that...

We dyed some Easter eggs on Saturday:

Funny sidenote: While we were dying the eggs, the girls kept saying how fun it was and of course they enjoyed eating them, too. Then, when Easter morning came and Natalie saw the plastic eggs in her basket with candy inside she said, "These eggs are way better than dyed eggs!" It's so cute how they are still young enough to not really remember much from the year before and so everything is fun and exciting. I'll be sad when that's not the case anymore.

We had our sunrise devotional Easter morning. Even though it was too cloudy to see the sun, it was still so fun to snuggle up under blankets outside, watch the sky get lighter and lighter and read from the scriptures about the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. What a great way to start the day.

Unfortunately, my cinnamon rolls turned out horribly again. One of these days I will get it right!

We went to my Mom and Dad's to meet up with the CA crowd for Conference and my Dad's famous omelets. Conference was amazing, as always, with so much good counsel on teaching children and on family relationships. Very much needed for me!

We even had an egg hunt between sessions. Thanks to Uncle Brad and the older cousins for hiding eggs and helping the little ones.
A few eggs still unclaimed:
I love this action shot:
Grandma and Nate watching from the safety of the house:
Cute Lily
Enjoying the chewy spoils:
My Dad made a cake for the early April birthdays: my sister and I, and our niece Lily.

We love getting together with family. Thanks everyone!


Steph said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

It sounds like we need to have a cinnamon roll making party. I mean, I don't think mine are great, but I think they're pretty good. :) Let me know!

ktnelson said...

Great pictures Ash! I keep getting told how much you and I look alike in that picture by the cake. I take that as a compliment; don't know if you should though! :-)