Friday, April 2, 2010

More Weekend Fun

We also went to the beach again. We found a pretty fun one that had some tide pools that Joe took the kids to explore. They found a bunch of starfish and this dead crab that was completely in tact. We had to get some pictures with it...

I love Nate's face in this one:
Joe wanted me to pose with it...
...and while we were taking that picture, this happened:
This beach trip wasn't as relaxing since Nathaniel spent the whole time trying to roll off the towels and eat sand.

We also got to eat dinner with some friends who we hadn't seen since our Wymount days.

Here's all the kids:
(I stole your picture, Steph, since ours didn't turn out as well)
We also got to see our friends the Macks from Wymount and my brother and his family but, sadly, we didn't get any pictures of those visits. Thanks for feeding us everyone! It was so much fun to see all of you guys.

It was a fun little trip and mostly just fun spending time together as a family.

1 comment:

Jordan and Luci said...

So fun! I'm so jealous you guys got to hang out. Your kids do kind of look alike.