Friday, September 21, 2007

Quick post

I have to post a funny thing that just happened before I forget all about it. I just put both of the girls down for their afternoon naps. I put Natalie down first and then put Elizabeth in bed. Natalie was still crying by the time I finished with Elizabeth and had straightened up a little bit downstairs (which almost never happens because she's a thumb-aholic). All of the sudden I hear Elizabeth say loudly from inside her room: "It's alright, Natalie. It's alright." She had this tone like "we're both stuck in our rooms so you might as well sleep". It was great. :)
The good news is that they both seem to be sleeping now and hopefully it sticks.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ashley, I know the feeling of hope you had at that moment! It's like, PUHHH-LEEEAAAASSSEEE stay asleep!