Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Mitzi tagged me awhile ago so I thought I would fill it out...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Getting my braces off. That was a momentous day for me...
2. Trying to find ways to look cute in school uniforms. 8th grade was the only year I had to wear them.
3. Getting excited for the birth of my first niece. I remember when she was born I told everyone around me in my classes about it.
4. Going to my first boy/girl parties and trying to pretend like I knew how to dance at them.
5. Hanging out at the mall with friends--a favorite pastime when I was younger.

5 things on my to-do list today
1. Go to Costco
2. Go visiting teaching with both kids during what would be their nap time. Wish me luck!
3. Prepare family home evening (we couldn't do it on Monday this week).
4. Find another book to start reading. I just finished Anne of Green Gables last night which I hadn't read since middle school. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it or it's been a long time.
5. Get plane tickets to CA for Christmas.

5 songs I know the lyrics to:
I actually know the lyrics to quite a few songs so it might be hard to pick 5...
1. "The Way You Do the Things You Do" by the Temptations: I love the cheesy/sweet lyrics to this song.
2. "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure: My friends and I listened to this song over and over when we were 8 so that we could write down the lyrics to this song and memorize them. I was heavily influenced by my older brothers' and sister's music taste. This is why I love 80s music.
3. "Waterfalls" by TLC: I even know the rap part of this song. It's amazing how music sticks in your brain for years...
4. "The Very Thought of You" by Billie Holiday or Nat King Cole: This song has special significance to Joe and I and I have always loved it.
5. "On My Own" from Les Miserables: What a great song to sing when you'd been snubbed by some boy you liked! :)

5 things I would do if I had a million dollars:
1. Pay tithing and offerings from it.
2. Go clothes shopping for myself and my family.
3. Save and invest.
4. Pay for grad school coming up (?)
5. Buy a nice new camera (ours just broke--hence the lack of new pictures on this blog)

5 things I'll never wear again:
1. Leggings/stirrups with baggy sweatshirts.
2. Bangs that start at the top of my head.
3. All of those weird colors of nail polish I wore when I first started painting my nails.
4. My old black digital watch that I used to wear with everything (even dresses!).
5. Tennis skirts, sadly. (I agree Leslie :)

5 favorite toys:
1. Our computer...I'm on too much.
2. My double jogging stroller. I know that's boring but I do love being able to jog with the girls and they love it too.
3. Letterflip: it's this great 2-person game that Joe and I play constantly.
4. Our video camera. I just need to figure out how to post videos...
5. Our piano. I never thought I'd want a digital one but I love being able to play during nap time without waking the kids up.

5 people who are now "tagged":
I think most everyone I know has already done it. I guess I'll tag Kelli, Stephanie, and Debbie.


Mitzi said...

Yes! I know the rap to Waterfalls too! We should have done a Ward Talent show and gotten 1 more white girl to rap with us. It would have been awesome!

Ashley A. said...

Haha that would have been awesome!

Ashley A. said...
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