Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

We had a fun Family Home Evening on Monday. We had a lesson during which Elizabeth was actually semi-attentive (success!) and then carved pumpkins for our activity. Well, Elizabeth just colored on her mini-pumpkins and Joe and I carved. Here are the finished products. Sorry for the blurry picture but it was the only one where you could even see what mine looked like (mine is the one on the right). I guess I went for too much detail :).


Jessica Davis said...

Wow, very cute pumpkins!

Marjorie said...

We were going to carve pumpkins for our FHE too but we kind of skipped FHE or I guess just didn't have it at home. We need to do our pumpkins soon, yours look cute!

MidCityGal said...

How fun! I've been meaning to comment on the blog you wrote last week about being a mother. I was in the middle of reading, "I Am A Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson and wanted to finish it before I let you know what I think. Have you read it? It is fabulous. Someone gave it to me and I sorta wanted to read it but hadn't run out to buy for myself because I thought, "Yeah, yeah. It'll be really good and I believe it all . . ." So, I wasn't in a hurry to see what she had to say. But, it was absolutely incredible and very empowering to feel that motherhood is worthwhile and noble-- even if no one else in the world will validate that for you. I would definitely recommend it. It gave me a lot to think about.

At the same time, I think it's really important to have some "personal time" to develop the talents that you have too. My mom reminded me that someday your children will grow up and you won't be the in "the trenches" doing what you do everyday. Don't feel guilty about taking some time for yourself and developing your many incredible skills-- of which, motherhood is just one among lots of good things to work on.

Just some thoughts. I wonder how much my perspective will change in a few months. Probably a lot. I hope you know how much I admire you and the very evident sacrifice and love you have for your children. Don't be discouraged-- you have already done and will do so much for those sweet girls. Your unconditional love is incredible. Thank you for the example.