Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Beware: Political Post

So we just watched most of the debate tonight and I must say I am frustrated. I really love political debate but I feel like I'm wading through so much garbage just to figure out what the stances of the candidates actually are. Even then you wonder if they are just saying anything to get votes or actually being honest. I really don't like the commentary after the debate. What is the point of bringing out Mitt Romney and Hilary Clinton to talk about the debate? Would either one of them ever admit that the candidate from their party performed anything other than flawlessly? Of course not! So why bother with their biased opinions? I didn't mind the focus group of undecided voters NBC had to talk about the debate but of course they only gave them enough time for a few one-liners and there was no actual discussion. Anyway, without going into my personal political views, these are some beefs I have with both parties:

-Why is 75% of the debate "this is how my opponent feels on this issue according to this out-of-context quote from them that I have memorized"? It's fine to cite your opponent's voting record and point out areas of disagreement with their stance but I really wish they would just focus on what they plan to do and how they feel on an issue. Why can't they just speak for themselves?
-Why is Sarah Palin labeled inexperienced but Barack Obama is innovative, and non-establishment?
-If I hear McCain say "without pre-conditions" (in reference to Obama's diplomacy strategy) one more time, I may scream. It's semantics, John!
-Can Hilary Clinton get anymore arrogant? She said tonight, essentially, that the Democrats fix the economy and Republicans mess everything up. Oh please. Way to reach across the aisle, Hilary!
-Can we never be rid of this "I'm perfectly right and you're dead wrong" mentality in politics? Is no one unbiased and humble enough to actually figure out what works and what doesn't when it comes to health care, education, the economy, etc.?

I could go on and on. Sorry for the rant. Although I do enjoy the excitement of a presidential election, especially the debates, I will be really glad when it's November 5th....


Jordan and Luci said...

THANK YOU ASH! Seriously, I have been feeling the exact same way. I am so sick of all the biased opinions and statements and just want the facts. It was interesting too because in Canada, the news seems to be pretty unbiased, but then I go to the states and I really felt like every major station bashed on McCain and Palin, but never even addressed issues with Obama. Bash McCain if you want, but PLEASE bashe Obama too. Miss you guys!

The Good Life said...

I haven't blogged for a while so sorry for just now writing this but I wanted to tell you I completely agree. I wish that there were less pointless debates and more time spent showing what they stand for instead of just meaningless words! I am not political by nature but this election and obviously prop 8 have made me more aware and more concerned about our nation and what our leaders stand for. Thanks for saying exactly what I felt!