Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Stuff

You may have noticed that after a year of blogging, I have finally changed my background. Every time I'd think about doing it I'd either get lazy or I'd think self-importantly, "The background of my blog isn't important; it's the content that matters!" Anyway, I do like my new background and it was surprisingly easy to do. Let's just hope I don't still have a fall background in April. :)

We've been sick for the last week so not much has happened although I do want to post some random pictures I had on my camera.

I found Natalie on the piano dressed like this the other day. She was wearing her fairy skirt, Lizzie's old sun hat and was playing while singing, "La-di-da-di-da". That's her friend Aliyah in the background wondering what on earth is going on, probably.

She's a born performer!
We went to a farmer's market a couple weeks ago and Elizabeth begged me to buy some radishes. She has been noticing radishes in various books and other places and kept talking about how we needed to buy some. So, I consented since they were 40 cents and we bought a bunch of them. She wanted to eat them that very day for lunch. I tried to persuade her to eat them with some salad dressing or something but she wouldn't hear of it.

Here's my little rabbit
She made it through about half of the radishes pictured until she decided that radishes are "a little bit yucky and spicy". I tried to tell her that they were better eaten with other things but she was done at that point. So now we have a bunch of radishes that I keep forgetting to put in a salad so we can get rid of them.

This picture says it all: Go Cougars!!

Another funny thing that Elizabeth's been doing lately is occasionally writing her name backwards. I guess when a child doesn't have a firm understanding of always writing left to right, letters are pretty reversible to them. It's kind of amazing to watch because she just proceeds to write her name without even thinking about it, completely backwards. If I tried to do that it would take me quite a bit of thought. Sometimes, she'll start going left to right until she hits the end of the page and then finish right to left below it. I've been trying to get a good picture of that but she always draws over it too quickly. Hopefully this is normal. Here are some samples of Htebazile's work.

This is her name out of dominoes, backwards


Jessica said...

Elizabeth is so smart! I love the part about the radishes. Ben and I love radishes, especially the ones we grew when we lived in your house.

Marin said...

I love the background!! So cute! Love the pictures. The girls are so cute! We should go swimming tomorrow. Then your girls can meet my sister and her two girls!! Do you want to go around 3?? I'll call you tomorrow!

Angela said...

Of course the content is more important than the background! But the background is cute by the way. I love reading your blog, it makes me want to try that much harder to be better. Darling kids, oh and yeah Joe you're okay too!

Marjorie said...

Smart girl! I personally love radishes and can just eat them. I would have been surprised if she finished them. They are kind of "hot" for a little kid.