Thursday, October 16, 2008

Funny Sayings

(I keep editing this post because I think of new things they say)

Well, I didn't want to leave a negative post up for long and I've been meaning to record some of the things my kids say that I love so here goes:

Elizabeth (She is at the stage where I am clinging to words that she says incorrectly since she is already speaking too well; I seriously get mad at Joe when he tries to correct certain things she says)

-"Tangerang": This is her made up word that she uses all the time. It's mostly when I ask her what something is that she has drawn.
-"Especially": I love how she uses this word. She'll uses it all the time, saying things like "Especially, I love my dad", or "Especially, my sister is playing with her dolly".
-"Dance-stein Bears": This is how she pronounces "Berenstain".
-"I really love you, Mommy": enough said.
-"I never saw that before": She always says this about things she likes even though most of them time she has seen it before.
-"Remember yesterday when....": This is her preface to any memory she has from her past, whether it was actually yesterday or 2 years ago.
-"Smarshmallow": Her prounciation of "marshmallow". It makes me smile.
-"Vair-vy": This is phasing out a little bit but this is how she says "very". The extra v is subtle but it's there. I actually started saying it that way, too, after she did and now I have a hard time stopping.
-"Thumb-toe": This is her name for her big toe. :)


-"Cry-neen" (crying): She loves to bring me her doll and say in a sad, quiet voice, "Oh, baby cry-neen". Then she gives her doll loves until the baby is happy. It's so cute.
-"See you later", "Be safe": She loves to say this to Daddy when he leaves in the morning.
-"Nope": Elizabeth loves to play "I Spy" so we play it frequently. When it's Natalie's turn she picks a color and then says "nope" to pretty much everything we guess. It's really funny.
-"I did it!": I love to see her proud of something she's done and announcing this.
-"Hold you-me!": "Hold you" has turned into this which is even cuter. You can't help but pick her up.
-"Go get it": Natalie will ask where someone is like Daddy or Lizzie and when I tell her she'll say this, meaning, let's go get that person.
-"I sorry, Mama": She says this whenever I injure myself somehow and she won't stop saying it until I say "I'm OK, Natalie".

Also, we had this funny exchange at lunchtime a couple days ago:

Natalie: I poopy!
Me: Yeah, I smell it.
Lizzie: I smell it, too.
Natalie: I smell it, three!


Marjorie said...

I love kids and the conversations or words they say. So classic and so good to write down so we can always remember and smile later when re-reading it:)

As for the political post I'm so fed up with the two of them that I refused to watch last night cause I don't know what to believe and just get annoyed with the two. I'm a little afraid, I don't feel good about either of them. Loved your rantings, they made me smile!

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing! Kids are their sayings are so dang cute.

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing! Kids are their sayings are so dang cute.

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing! Kids are their sayings are so dang cute.

Brooks and Andrea said...

Kids say the funniest things. They are so honest.

I agree with you on the debate. I am really struggling with these canidates. I don't care for either of them but I am going with the lesser of the evils.

Stephanie said...

Ashley, I am feeling your frustration in the political department. I can't wait until all the elections are over so everyone can just be friends again. I'm sick of all the commercials, the mudslinging, etc. Once we're settled better we're going to have to get together!