Thursday, November 6, 2008

Being Lazy

Well, Blogger is working again so I wanted to post some more new pictures. We had a lot of rain here lately and the girls and I used it as an excuse to stay in and relax. In fact, one rainy day I found them like this:(Elizabeth was only pretending to sleep)

One night, Joe went back to campus in the evening so the girls and I snuggled together and watched the first half of Little Women. I was happy that they were actually kind of interested in it. I love that movie and I get tired of watching the same kid movies over and over. I always loved watching girl movies with my mom and I'm looking forward to doing the same with my kids. I've already brainwashed them into loving The Sound of Music. :)

Here are some more pictures from a lazy Sunday afternoon. We love spending time with Daddy on Sundays!
Daddy playing snake for his girls (they always request this)

Mommy and Natalie

Daddy and Lizzie

Natalie trying on Mommy's shoes


Marin said...

Soooo cute!! I love how Natalie is wearing your shoes! I remember doing that with my mom's shoes! So fun!

Jackie said...

Natalie is looking so grown up! I still wear my mom's shoes whenever I see her.

Nursemom said...

I love lazy days with the kids.

W said...

Aahh, lazy days. I wish my kids would get the memo and understand what it means to veg or sleep in. It's still fun though.

Stephanie said...

Yes, Ashley, I'm so happpy prop 8 passed. I'm hoping everyone respects our Sunday tomorrow, I've heard some plans for disrupting meetings, picketing, etc. We will see. It will NEVER be over.