Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I received another one of the mass e-mails March of Dimes has been sending out in preparation for March For Babies and this one told about a recent L.A. Times article that reported about a family in the area whose recent tragedy encouraged a huge amount of support from around the country for the cause. Their little 17 month old girl, who was born 10 weeks early, passed away suddenly from a respiratory illness. I read the article and visited the mom's blog and basically sobbed. It is so heartbreaking.

It struck me how blessed I am and how much I take my blessings for granted. Elizabeth was born only a week later (gestation-wise) than this little girl and, although she had her struggles, they are almost completely behind her. She is healthy. Natalie is healthy. Why do I ever complain about anything when I have them with me?

Hug your kids today and be grateful for them. I know that I am.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Thanks for the reminder!