I love Natalie's hair and Lily's expression in this picture:
In other news, we are potty-training Natalie again. This time, there is no turning back. She decided (on my birthday, actually) that she wanted to poop in the potty. We started training the next day and after a kind of rough start she has been doing great. Sunday, despite all of the excitement, she was accident-free! Today she did great all day and then pooped in her pants. She still is kind of shaky in that department. She has been staying dry even through naps and at night sometimes so she's actually in panties tonight for the first time. I'll probably regret it in the morning but you never know. Elizabeth was staying dry at night when she was first trained and I put her in panties as soon as I could and she never had accidents after that. Natalie's a little younger than she was so we'll see how it goes. Anyway, yea for not having to buy diapers! I even get to return a big Costco pack that I had luckily not opened yet. Woo-hoo!
I've been meaning to scan in some of Elizabeth's drawings before they improve too much. Her drawings are already a lot more recognizable than they used to be.

We had such a nice FHE tonight that I wanted to remember it. We talked about things we learned in Conference and the kids were actually paying attention for the most part. Then, we enjoyed yummy strawberry shortcake on a blanket in the backyard. It was such a nice day. It really feels like summer will be here before we know it. Also, there are some tiny plants popping up in our vegetable garden. Maybe it will grow! Life is good.
I've been meaning to scan in some of Elizabeth's drawings before they improve too much. Her drawings are already a lot more recognizable than they used to be.
Here is a cute one she drew of our family
(she decided that Natalie is the Mickey Mouse sticker)
(she decided that Natalie is the Mickey Mouse sticker)

We had such a nice FHE tonight that I wanted to remember it. We talked about things we learned in Conference and the kids were actually paying attention for the most part. Then, we enjoyed yummy strawberry shortcake on a blanket in the backyard. It was such a nice day. It really feels like summer will be here before we know it. Also, there are some tiny plants popping up in our vegetable garden. Maybe it will grow! Life is good.
1 comment:
I love that post. Things you want to remember but never get around to writing about often get forgotten. Thanks for sharing. Oh and good luck with potty training. I need some tips. I think I am just going to go for it. I bought a Elmo's potty time dvd. Hopefully that will motivate Paige.
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