Thursday, November 1, 2007

Farm Country

On Tuesday, the girls and I went with Luci, Stephanie, Cindy & kids (we are getting to be quite a large group with all these kids) to see some animals and have some Halloween fun.

Ride 'em cowboy

Natalie and Camden being good sports in the strollers while their big sisters have all the fun on the jumping pillow

Elizabeth absolutely loved the pony ride and practically refused to get off

All of us

Elizabeth & Maddie posing

The girls were fast asleep when we got home. Luckily they both stayed asleep while I carried them to bed.


Marjorie said...

You must not have had your portable dvd player going since Elizabeth fell asleep!!

Ashley A. said...

Nope...I guess I try to avoid it if at all possible since she watches enough TV at home :).