Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Little Helper and a Gymnast

The other day I was folding laundry and Elizabeth wanted to come help me. I told her that she could fold the socks. I showed her how to find matches and then how to fold them together. Of course that was a little beyond her ability and I figured she would just play with the socks. She ended up doing really well at finding matches and then proceeded to fold each of the socks in half and made little piles. She would also shake out the socks before she folded them (like I was shaking out the shirts). I thought it was very cute and she was so excited to help. I was excited to find a way to keep her busy while I folded so she wouldn't unfold everything like she normally does :). I hope you can see this from the picture; some of the piles had gotten messed up by this time. For some reason she insisted on folding them on top of a blanket.

Folded socks (literally!)

Natalie's favorite place to be these days is at the bottom steps of the stairs. She tries to climb up but she's still pretty far from figuring it out so she mainly just hangs out. She can use the steps to pull herself up to sitting although sometimes she gets in tricky situations like below.

The splits

Cute sisters


Cindy said...

Soo cute. I love it when they can actually start helping out. I hope it lasts!

MidCityGal said...

Way to utilize Elizabeth's interest-- take advantage of it now while laundry is still a fun novelty. That's so cute! I'm so blown away that Natalie is already so grown up. I think, in my mind, babies from the NICU stay newborns forever. Thankfully they don't, but I just never got to see them after they left. She's adorable!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

So cute that she would want to help...and do such a great job at it! Also, I just laughed so hard watching that video you posted below of the little boy! Too funny!

Jessica said...

I love the socks! What a cute picture. I had a question for you: So Joe wasa telling us how natalie goes to bed at 6pm and wakes at 6 am, does she have a night time feed? Jack goes from 7:30 to 6:30 and I am trying to ween him off his 9pm feed any ideas?

Michelle said...

Those are adorable! Your girls are so cute. I have a love/hate relationship with Rex wanting to help. I love it because I want him to want to do things like that, I hate it because it ends up being twice as much work for me!
BTW, Sam is 8 1/2 months, he is younger than Natalie by a few months.
Good to hear she doesn't scream as much lately, maybe he will grow out of it. **crossing my fingers**

Jessica said...

Thanks for your advice!

Meghan said...

Yeah! I love it when Paige helps me match the socks - it saves me time even if she can't 'fold' them yet. Cute!