Friday, November 2, 2007


For Halloween this year, we actually cheated and went to the dorms to trick-or-treat even though I think it's technically reserved for people who currently live in Wymount. They needed people to come, though, since they had more then enough candy and not very many kids. It was good for Elizabeth, who got sick that morning, since we could stay inside and cover a lot of doors quickly. She had a great time and refused to let me hold her candy even when it got so heavy it was weighing her down. All in all, it was a very fun night (despite the many people who thought Elizabeth was a pumpkin; come on, vertical ribs=pumpkin, horizontal ribs=carrot, right?).

Ready to party

This is the best picture I got of Elizabeth and cute Libbi who was a cowgirl

Yummy carrot...


Marjorie said...

From what Joe said it sounded like they were giving good candy too!!! As for Elizabeth's costume I totally love it! I still haven't heard if you made it, i'm guessing you did. Way impressive

Meghan said...

What fond memories we have of trick-or-treating at DT! You lived in Wymount once - that counts! :) Again - the costumes are fabulous!