Thursday, January 10, 2008

Four Happy Years

I haven't mentioned yet that Joe and I celebrated our 4th anniversary over the holidays. We didn't get to do anything then but we were able to go out last night. I thought in honor of our anniversary that I would post 4 reasons that I'm grateful for Joe:

1. He is so much fun! He keeps me laughing all of the time with his crazy, goofy ways. Our home feels a lot brighter and more cheerful when he comes home at night. I can honestly say that my life has been a lot more fun since we got married, not because of things we've done but just because of who he is. I love his enthusiasm for life!

2. He is a wonderful father. Elizabeth and Natalie can't help but adore him because they can feel how much he adores them. He loves spending time with them and will even frequently wake them up after they've gone to bed just to be with them. Just today, Elizabeth was having an especially hard "miss my daddy" day and after I put her down for her nap I could hear her singing "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home..." from her room. Even Natalie gets excited when he comes home: as soon as she hears the garage door open she says "Da!" and stares at the door.

3. He is constantly trying to improve. He frequently asks me what he can do better in (and actually wants honest answers!). He is always setting goals and trying hard to keep them; even when he has a setback he keeps trying. I am always getting into ruts or routines and I love how, just by his example, he is always challenging me to do more and to be better.

4. He is my best friend and the person I most want to spend time with. I love our friendship and how we talk about anything and everything. I love how we disagree and debate things but always end up closer than before.

Happy Anniversary! I love you, Joe!

Sorry for the mushy picture (and my puffiness :) but this picture has special significance to me. It was taken soon after the scary events of Elizabeth's birth and it helps me to remember to truly value all that I have, especially my wonderful husband.


Marjorie said...

tender. I loved this post. Also your girls are way cute in the post above. As far as potty training for us we are still going through some regressions like right now but I hope we're pulling out of this latest one. Congrats on Elizabeth's success.

Michelle said...

That's sweet!

Jackie said...

Congrats! I love great hubbies! My kids are addicted to Dad too. I come home from work now and the first thing Mia says is, "Dada" and looks around to see where he is. Unfortunately for him, he gets most of the middle of the night pages still too. ;) You guys are great! And, you are amazing for actually taking your girls out to play in the snow...I'm a wimp and want to hibernate the whole winter through.

Stephanie said...

Cute picture. So sweet!