Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Walk

On Easter Sunday after church, we were able to go for a nature walk up a nearby canyon with Joe's cousin Ben and his family. These pictures are courtesy of his wife Jessica. We like being outdoors but haven't really done much as a family outdoors. It was fun to get out and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. I loved the red rock especially.

The boys climbed up a ways and apparently saw a gigantic squirrel.
Here is Elizabeth trying to keep up. She loved exploring and kept wandering off.

Here's a funny picture of Natalie.

Natalie and I looking at the rock.

Elizabeth zonked out on the couch afterwards. We tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge. She ended up sleeping until 7pm (luckily she still went to bed at a reasonable time that night).


Jaime said...

Looks like fun guys. It makes me excited for hiking this summer. Although I don't know how well I will be able to go alone with 2 kids. I guess it will just have to be nature walks and Joelle will walk.

sunnie said...

that pic of natalie cracks me up! you have such a cute family

Michelle said...

So fun!! I wish I could go with you guys! I love the picture of Elizabeth zonked out!