Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Vacation Recap Part II

After our flight back to Utah from California, we drove straight up to Logan to Joe's dad's house. We had a great time there, like always, with great food, games and great people. Everyone was there except Lorna's daughter Mandy and her family. It was a packed house, too.

Here are some pictures from our time in Logan:

Jaime and Joelle

James: I promise he was smiling when I took this
Elizabeth trying to ride a scooter in the snow

Cousins squished together on a couch

This year, instead of drawing names for a present exchange we drew for a letter exchange. We each wrote letters to one person saying things we admired about them. Then, on Sunday night, we took turns reading the letters that were written for us. It turned out really great with lots of laughing and some tears, too (especially from the more sensitive ones like me :). Here are some pictures:

After we read the kids' letters, they went downstairs to watch Ratatouille.

Thanks again, Jaime, for the great idea! The trip would have perfect if our whole family hadn't gotten sick with the flu at the end of it. Luckily, it was a short-lived bug and we're all healthy again.
Back to regular life now...


Marjorie said...

I was going to comment on your California post about no snow but of looks like u had some eventually. I liked the letter sharing idea. I'm also glad u included so many pictures your girls are changing and it was fun to see Joe's family.

Michelle said...

Isn't it fun when your parents are divorced and you have to visit a billion people over the holidays!! Been there, done that!

Jessica said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas, we should get together sometime.