The girls both wrapped up their 12 weeks of dance classes recently and they had an open house for the parents to come see what they learned. Joe couldn't make it (he did get to watch them once during his spring break) so I braved it alone. So, when considering the poor quality of these pictures, take into account that I was holding a grabby baby in one arm while shooting. :)
Natalie was in a class called First Steps where they mostly just had fun moving around with scarves, maracas, etc.

You may notice in the above picture that there is a gigantic hole in Natalie's tights. I promise it was tiny when I put them on her that morning. AND, these were the more expensive, supposedly durable tights I had just bought her a few weeks before. Anyway, when we got to the studio and I opened her door to unbuckle her, she had as much of her hand as she could fit in that hole. So frustrating...
Back to the pictures. I love the way she skips. She can only seem to lift her right knee when skipping but it is so cute.

Falling down...

...but getting back up

Elizabeth was in a beginning ballet and tap class.

I love this one: so serious...

Reach for your star!

She loved it.

Here's the only decent tap picture I got:

They did a couple of cute routines. It was so funny, though, because Elizabeth sang SO loudly. You know, that yelling kind of singing. At least she knew most of the words and was singing out! Some of the other kids just sat there.
Anyway, they both had a good experience. My poor kids have my coordination/gracefulness (none, that is) so nothing really came very easy but they both tried their hardest and loved being little ballerinas.
Now they are starting a class with their friends taught by
a friend of mine out of the goodness of her heart. She is a saint, seriously. They are excited to be able to keep dancing.
Maybe I'm weird, but sometimes the girlyness of my girls bothers me. I was pretty much a tomboy and so I guess I just expected them to be like me. I hated wearing anything pink. I hated having my hair done (I guess that's pretty much every little girl). I wanted my hair in a ponytail every day. I don't remember caring much about clothes. Of course I had an older brother so I guess that influenced me.
Elizabeth, on the other hand, loves clothes and shopping and actually remembers, down to minute details, the clothes her friends have worn. Natalie is such a little princess and loves to twirl around in her princess dress-ups to Disney songs.
I was thinking about this recently and I remembered a day not too long ago when I had actually curled my hair (a rarity). Joe didn't say anything about it (Haha--don't feel bad, Joe) but when the girls both saw me they mentioned right away that they loved my hair and that I looked beautiful. They do the same if I wear a shirt I haven't worn in awhile, too.
I thought to myself, maybe girly daughters aren't so bad. :)