Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Here Comes Santa Claus

Elizabeth being shy with Santa, although she did manage to get out that she wanted a slinky and a sticker book.
Our family minus Natalie who was already in bed
The kids all piling on Santa (Elizabeth watched timidly; you can see her in the top, left corner)

It was a fun night and Elizabeth especially loved spending time playing with her cousins.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Gingerbread Houses
Here's a picture I took during our big snowstorm of Natalie. She was very intrigued watching the snow come down.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Questionnaire
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper.
2. Real tree or artificial? Real tree; I love the whole process of picking one out and bringing it home and the smell, of course.
3.When do you put up the tree? Usually the first Monday night of December for Family Home Evening but it varies.
4. When do you take the tree down? When we get tired of it.
5. Do you like eggnog? I have never actually tasted it but I don't really like the idea of eggnog. Maybe I'll taste it one of these days.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? There are a few: my red wagon, my first set of rollerblades, and a trampoline we got as a family.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Two: one we brought back from Africa and a Willow Tree one my mom gave me, I think the first Christmas after we got married.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Our parents.
9. Easiest person to buy for? The girls.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can't think of any bad ones.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? We've done both but I prefer mailing real ones.
12 . Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life, by far. In fact it could be my favorite movie of all time.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? After Thanksgiving.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I remember.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, apple pie, all of the goodies that go on Christmas plates, especially peanut blossoms.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored.
17. Favorite Christmas song? What Child is This.
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? Both are nice. I'm sure we'll start staying home when our kids are older or it gets harder to travel.
19. Can you name all of Santa's' reindeer? Yes.
20. Angel on the treetop or a star? Star. I want to find a better one in the future.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning; on rare occasions we would open something Christmas Eve.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crowds at stores, definitely.
23. What I love most about Christmas? The music, thinking of others and the increased faith in my Savior.
Friday, December 7, 2007
More Singing
Also, I had to post another FEM. In order to get Elizabeth to finish her dinner, I frequently have to feed her the food myself with her fork. For some reason, she'll eat almost anything this way even if she hasn't touched it by herself. Anyway, I did this tonight (she finished her spinach salad!) and afterwards she said this: "Thank you for feeding me, mom. You're my best hero." I guess it doesn't take much to be a hero. :)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Christmas, etc.
Monday, December 3, 2007
She's 1!
It's hard to believe that my little baby Natalie is 1 now. This past year has gone by so fast. She had a rough start with her prematurity and then RSV that landed her back in the hospital but she worked and ate hard and its been basically smooth sailing ever since. When I first saw her I just remember thinking that she was such a pretty baby. I loved her little, slightly upturned nose (I still don't know where that came from). She was such an easy baby and Joe and I started thinking that she was going to be our calm, easygoing child. Well, we soon discovered that Natalie is actually quite stubborn and determined. Maybe more so than Elizabeth. She is very driven and hates to be deterred from her course or to have something taken away from her. We love our little determined girl and know that this quality will serve her well throughout her life. Natalie has brought so much joy into our lives. I especially love that she is a mama's girl since Elizabeth was always a daddy's girl. I love when she says "mama" and reaches out to me. Happy Birthday Natalie!
Natalie got some fun presents, which Elizabeth was more than willing to help her open and then play with. :)
The biggest hit was a set of fake keys that I picked out for her. She's even still playing with them two days after so that's a good sign.
I also wanted to post some video of Natalie that's been a long time coming. The first one is Natalie playing peek-a-boo and the second is of her tickling herself.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Events of the Week
This past week was another challenging one. On Monday night, we started noticing Natalie had a lot of gunk in her eyes. By the next day, she had full blown pink eye. Of course, around Wednesday night Elizabeth had a bad case of it herself, probably worse than Natalie's. Joe also ended up getting it, too, but I was lucky enough to avoid it. This, in combination with the fact that we've all had cough/colds as well and that Joe was very busy in school made it a difficult week. The only time the kids and I got out of the house was to see the doctor. It's been frustrating to be through our second round of sickness before December. I would just like to wake up in the morning feeling healthy again. I was strengthened a lot this week, though. I specifically remember one moment in particular where Natalie had refused to sleep and was cranky and not wanting anything I was giving her and sure to wake up Elizabeth from her nap with her screaming. I just wanted to lay down and take a nap. It was one of those moments where you think "I don't know if I can handle this." Somehow, very soon after this, Natalie calmed down and I realized that night that the rest of the day had gone pretty well. What a blessing! I'm so thankful for the little blessings during the day and I want to try to record these more and follow President Eyring's example.
Anyway, things seem to be turning around, especially for Natalie. She was very happy today which was a good thing since today is her first birthday! We are going to celebrate tomorrow since today was very busy. Joe had school stuff all morning and then he had to go to our ward Christmas party tonight since he was both singing in a musical number and the narrator for the reading of the Christmas story. I was sad that I didn't get to go watch him and see the party. It was a "Night in Bethlehem" complete with authentic costumes, food, etc., from the time period when Jesus was born. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Joe but he looked pretty good considering his costume was made up of things we could find in our house. Joe came home right after his part was done to avoid contaminating others. Anyway, that is why our daughter's birthday celebration will be delayed a day this year. I will devote my next post to Natalie's birthday.
We had a lot of sweet moments this past week, too. One day, Joe surprised me with this beautiful purple rose. What a wonderful husband I have! It's so nice to know that you are appreciated and loved, especially when you feel sick and gross and completely out of patience. I'm so thankful for Joe and how he's always so thoughtful and loving.
The next day, Elizabeth was talking about the flower and I said, "That was nice of Daddy, wasn't it?" She said "Yeah...that was a good choice" :). Can you tell we use that phrase a lot in our house?
We also made some brownies one day and Elizabeth thoroughly enjoyed cleaning up afterwards.
"Just call me Lizzie de la Vega!"
I also need to say...Go Cougars! They are now undefeated in conference play for two straight seasons. If only they could get things going a little earlier in the season. It's not looking like a BCS bowl is in the future this year but next year for sure!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Recent Milestones
Natalie also recently experimented with eating with a spoon. I gave her some yogurt in a bowl and she actually did fairly well. There was still yogurt in every imaginable place afterwards, of course.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving Fun
We also celebrated Richard's birthday over the weekend. Here is his cake, a team effort from Joe and his mom (mostly his mom).
Richard reading to T.J. & Elizabeth
Christine & Simon (who is taking a break from playing with the kids)
Grandma Marsha & the kids
Thank you, Grandma, for a wonderful Thanksgiving!
When we finally made it home, we realized that we had forgotten to turn our heat on before we left and the house was freezing! This is me and the girls snuggling under blankets to keep warm. Elizabeth's hair is wet because she had a major blow-out at the end of the car trip and needed a bath. I thought we'd outgrown those with her but I guess not (blow-outs, not baths :).
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Family Resemblances
Friday, November 16, 2007
Christmas is Coming
I'll add a quick funny Elizabeth story, too. Yesterday, we all went to DI while running errands and as we were entering the store Joe was talking about how great DI is and how when we were in Stockton over the summer the thrift stores there weren't very good (he had been looking for clothes for his African trip). He said "they were terrible". Elizabeth heard this and proceeded to yell out "these clothes are terrible!" in the middle of DI. We both shushed her and then looked at each other and burst out laughing. Never a dull moment with a 2 year old! As a side note, I found some cute shiny-black mary janes for Elizabeth in great condition for $2!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Little Helper and a Gymnast
Natalie's favorite place to be these days is at the bottom steps of the stairs. She tries to climb up but she's still pretty far from figuring it out so she mainly just hangs out. She can use the steps to pull herself up to sitting although sometimes she gets in tricky situations like below.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Funny Video
Watch this video
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sickness and Teething
I am actually very grateful that we're not more sick than we are. It's been a long time since Elizabeth's had problems breathing and I can't help but hope that she is growing out of her problems. Natalie, so far, hasn't really gotten sick and hopefully there will be nothing major this winter.
The kids have actually been doing some cute things lately, too. Here is the non-whiney part of this post. I guess you could have skipped down here to avoid listening to me complain but it's good to vent. Anyway, Natalie has been playing peek-a-boo lately and it's really cute to watch. She doesn't put her hands over her eyes, though, she puts them on the sides of her head. (I hope to get a video of this up soon) She is doing this all of the time lately and even started doing it one-handed while I was feeding her. I thought it was pretty hilarious. She is also folding her arms (for a few microseconds) when we start our prayers. She is such a cutie.
One day, after Elizabeth had been in her room for something, she said that Heavenly Father and Jesus were sad because of what she did. Then, she looked up at the ceiling and said "Sorry, Heavenly Father and Jesus" and then looked at me and said "they didn't hear me". I tried not to laugh and to explain that they did hear her but it's better to speak to them in our prayers. So, we said a prayer and I thought she understood but now she's been doing it a lot. One time she said "come and see me Heavenly Father and Jesus" but she's been mostly looking up and saying sorry after she does something wrong. I think it's pretty cute although I've been trying to reemphasize praying. Also, I recently came across what a friend had written down for us of Elizabeth's baby blessing and was surprised to see that Joe had blessed her to have a "loving heart". That definitely describes her. She is a good example to me already.
Sorry for rambling. Thanks for listening! This has been therapeutic. :)
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Farm Country
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tagged Again

1. I am definitely a reader. I've always loved reading. This is largely due to my mom who read to me a lot and help me gain a love for good books. Ever since I was a kid, the epitome of relaxation for me has been to be sitting outside reading. In fact I remember one time when I wasn't very old being so absorbed reading a Babysitter's Club book by the pool (I still remember which one, too: it was Logan likes Mary Anne :) that I got one of the worst sunburns I've ever had. Right now, I am reading Bonds That Makes Us Free by C. Terry Warner, upon Luci's recommendation. I would definitely recommend it.

2. I have a very random taste in music. I like a little bit of everything. I especially love Oldies and classic R&B but I also like some rock, hip hop, jazz, opera, classical, and even country now because of Joe's influence. I also know a lot of random music trivia. This is because of my dad always quizzing me on who was singing every song we'd hear during our long trips to different places (he knows a lot of music trivia). Joe also knows quite a bit of music trivia and I was able to impress him with my knowledge on one of our first dates.

3. When I'm pregnant I have to give myself shots twice a day as a precaution against blood clots. I've never had a huge fear of needles like some people but I was never able to watch as the needle went in. That is of course difficult when you're giving yourself a shot so I've had to overcome it. It wasn't easy when I first started doing it. I even sat on my bed for almost a half hour once trying to psyche myself up to give one (Joe was willing to do it for me but I had to get over the mental block myself). I still refuse to watch when they are taking my blood, though. I hate watching blood come out. (Shiver)

As for people who are tagged, let's try Kelli, Stephanie, Lisa, Cindy & Mitzi. Sorry, if you've already done it.